My picnic basket blog last week kind of leads into tablecloths, at least it makes sense to me! Mom always took tablecloths on a picnic to cover the picnic tables that were available at the roadside rest areas, State Parks, Ohio Caverns or wherever we found a picnic spot. I think there may have been some type of plastic tablecloths available but of course they were not of the throwaway variety that we use today. And why buy something when you had tablecloths that you received on your wedding day.
You did not want to put food on a "who knows what had been on it previously" picnic table so Mom covered it with a tablecloth. We collected rocks to put on the corners so the wind wouldn't blow the cloth over our food. Now that I think about it, how sanitary were the rocks?
I enjoy using old cloths to set my table for company and I even enjoy ironing them. I have some pretty ones at the Green Awning Gallery for sale. Here is one I especially like that I incorporated into a display using the greens and blues of the fabric.
Stop in at the Green Awning Gallery August 23 to August 31 and mention this blog and receive 25% off any old linens including doilies and runners. Until then....